Determining your TCO.

Your call to action. Consider the value proposition: although IoT technology is maturing...  what is the cost of maintaining a team of IoT experts in-house? Are your competitors moving to IoT-empowered solutions?  Are you going to be able to keep up and remain competitive?

SMBs have a tough time answering these questions and more than ever before that leaves them at a competitive disadvantage.  We take a holistic view of your business to help you rationalize your OPEX and CAPEX.

System uptime and security is backed by a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that is tailored to your company's requirements.  We assist you in constructing an SLA and service model that's right for your organization.

Now is the time to determine how your current technology road map stacks up against the new realities of service-oriented IoT delivery. We will help you crunch the numbers, evaluate service providers, including Open Source solutions , and show you how to apply emerging industry standards to develop a robust IoT strategy for the growth ahead.